Korça Mayor answers the questions about Blood Feuds Pheomenon

Koça Mayor answers

Operazione Colomba has received an important email: Mr. Sotiraq Filo, Korça Mayor answers the questions about Blood Feuds Phenomenon.
We publish the entire email text, showing the answers given by Korça Mayor.

Korça Mayor answers

“First, we appreciate your initiative against the blood feuds phenomenon.
This mission has a huge importance for our Country.

1. How much is widespread the blood feuds phenomenon in the area you are mayor of?

The blood feuds phenomenon is not a widespread in our city, thanks especially to the emancipation and culture that characterize this area.

a. How is the phenomenon perceived by the population?

Blood feud is perceived as an “anti-value” too anachronistic, an unacceptable phenomenon that entails serious consequences for society. A phenomenon that prevents the civilization of the society as well as its economic and social development. The spread of this phenomenon, with its consequent displacement of the families involved, is risky for the entire Albanian society.

b. How many cases of blood feuds are there in the municipality/district you are mayor of?

In reference to Police’s data, in our area there is no case of families involved in the phenomenon or that live in the condition of self-isolation.

c. Is there any collaboration between the local administration and other institutions in the territory you are mayor of?

There is collaboration between the administration and the other institutions, certainly within the legal framework.

2. Specifically, which concrete steps would you like to take in order to completely eradicate the blood feuds phenomenon? Especially referring to the area you are mayor of?

The priority will be to strengthen people’s trust in public administration and heighten the institutions work for the law implementation, increasing the interaction between the two actors.

3. On the 4th of May 2005, Law no. 9389 was emanated but it has never been applied because the Executive has never issued the implementing acts needed. What do you plan to do in order to ask the Albanian Executive to implement this legal tool?

Currently we have a multidisciplinary team dedicated to domestic violence cases, but we do not have an appropriate and specific facility for the blood feuds phenomenon. Blood feuds are treated as a crime by the Penal Code and the police. It is necessary to create useful structures that include all of the actors involved and lever the institution in order to fulfill this mission.

We support any initiative aimed at the good of society.”.

We deeply thank, Mr. Sotiraq Filo, for his kind answers. We will compare his statement with our database.
We do appreciate Korça Mayor’s answers; we do think they are an important signal of attention to the questions of Blood Feuds Phenomenon. We really hope to be the beginning of a strong and serious cooperation aimed to fight and defeat the phenomenon.