The answers from the Mayor of Konispol on the phenomenon of blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Konispol on the phenomenon of blood feuds

We report below the answers of the Mayor of Konispol, Shuaip Beqiri. In these days he has filled and sent to Operazione Colomba volunteers the questionnaire prepared by us on the phenomenon of blood feuds.

The Questions

  1. What is the spread of the blood feud phenomenon in the area where you are the mayor?
  • How is the phenomenon perceived by the population?
  • How many cases of blood feud are there in the municipality/district where you are the mayor?
  • Is there any collaboration between the local administration and the other organizations in the territory where you are the mayor?
  1. Specifically, which concrete steps would you do for the complete eradication of the blood feud phenomenon, referring particularly to the territory of the town/district where you are the mayor?
  2. In 2005 Law no. 9389 of May 4th 2005 was emanated but it has not been applied so far because of the lack of the implementing acts by the Executive. What do you plan on doing to ask the Albanian Executive to apply this legal instrument?

The response of the Mayor of Konispol

We report below the full text of the answers from the Mayor of Konispol:

“In response to your letter Prot.Nr.250B/2015 dated 27.08.2015, please find below the answers to your questions:

In the territory that includes the big municipality of Konispol from Janjari to Vrinë, the phenomenon of blood feuds and revenge is not present. The population is almost homogeneous and indigenous, excluding a village (Shëndëlli) which was created after 1990 by people coming from the north of Albania. Until now there has not been a single case of conflicts related to blood feuds and revenge. However, we can not exclude cases in the future, for this reason, from my side as well as in the name of the institution that I direct, concrete measures will be undertaken in the entire territory of the Municipality of Konispol, initially by informing on the phenomenon and then by taking solutions according to specific cases.

We hope that this wound of the Albanian society will disappear as soon as possible and that in areas such as Konispol, it will not not find any space to display and spread further.

Our cooperation will be maximal with you and with every institution for the final eradication of these phenomena.

Thank you,

Mayor of Konispol,



We would like to thank the Mayor of Konispol for his contribution. Surely we will compare the institutional data in relation to the phenomenon of blood revenge in the municipality Konispol with those collected by us. We take this occasion also to re-extend the invitation to answer all the questions of the questionnaire, especially the third question about the Law n. 9389/05, regarding the establishment of a Coordination Council as provided by the Albanian legislation.