The answers from the Mayor of Gramsh about Blood Feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Gramsh

With great pleasure we inform you that we have received a few new answers to our questionnaire about the Blood Feuds Phenomenon part of Operazione Colomba’s Campaign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds”. While waiting for the rest until the expiring date on the 30th of September, today we publish the answers from the Mayor of Gramsh, Luljeta Kalem Dollani.

The questionnaire asked:

– How much is widespread the Blood Feuds Phenomenon in Your municipality?
– Which kind of measures would You like to adopt in order to face and eliminate the phenomenon?
– How do You think to pressure the Government to make sure it will implement the Law n. 9389/05? The one that provides for the establishment of a Coordination Council in order to fight against the Blood Feuds Phenomenon?

The answers from the Mayor of Gramsh

Following we publish translated the entire text we received, containing the answers from the Mayor of Gramsh:
Thank you for such an important mission you are carrying on, especially considering that the blood feuds are still an open wound in Albania.
With pleasure I tell you that in the Municipality of Gramsh the blood feuds and the dynamic of revenge don’t exist. Such a phenomenon for the people of Gramsh is a vestige of the past.
Feuds and revenge are considered by the population as a negative phenomenon and it is very important to emphasize that this point of view is common to both young and old generations. We highlight that the feelings related of revenge are linked only to specific cases, less widespread and long-lasting.
In the Gramsh Municipality it was recorded only one case, related to the blood feuds phenomenon, in 1997, when a 9 years old was killed. The whole city of Gramsh has condemned such a negative action, and since then no other case followed that one during these last 25 years.
Our Municipality, in cooperation with all the others institutions, specifically with the educational ones, aims to educate people against violence. The slogan “No violence” is become a motto for everyone.
Thank you for the cooperation.


We would like to thank the Mayor Luljeta Kalem Dollani for her kind cooperation and for answering in a deepened manner our questionnaire. Aware that the blood feuds phenomenon still represents a concrete and tangible reality, Operazione Colomba volunteers will continue to compare the data kindly provided by the Mayor of Gramsh with those collected by the daily consultation of the main national newspapers. Moreover, we would like to offer the Municipality our congratulations for the work carried on about educating against the violence. At the same time, we would like to ask again how the Mayor thinks to pressure and push the Executive to put in practice the law n. 9389/05.