The answers from the Mayor of Devoll about the blood feud phenomenon

the answers from the Mayor of DevollToday we publish the answers from the Mayor of Devoll, Bledjon Tomor Nallbati. As you know, within the Campaign “A crowd against blood feuds” Operazione Colomba volunteers drawn up a questionnaire addressed to all the mayors of Albania, in order to exert constructive pressure on institutions about the blood feuds phenomenon. Below we present the survey questions and the answers from the Mayor of Devoll.

The questionnaire asked:

1. How much is widespread the blood feuds phenomenon in the area you are mayor of?
a. How is the phenomenon perceived by the population?
b. How many cases of blood feuds are there in the municipality/district you are mayor of?
c. Is there any cooparation between the administration and the other institutions in the municipality You are the Mayor of?
2. Specifically, which concrete steps would you like to take in order to completely eradicate the blood feuds phenomenon? Especially referring to the area you are mayor of?
3. On the 4th of May 2005, Law no. 9389 was emanated but it has never been applied because the Executive has never issued the implementing acts needed. What do you plan to do in order to ask the Albanian Executive to implement this legal tool?

The answer from the Mayor of Devoll

Please find below the full answers from the Mayor of Devoll.
Answering to your letter n ° 224 dt. prot. 31.08.15 we state:

1. In the Municipality of Devoll the blood feuds phenomenon is not widespread
a. Such a phenomenon is not tided to the community of Devoll
b. In the municipality of Devoll we have never had any case related to such a phenomenon.

2. Specific measures will be adopted, in cooperation with the other local institutions and local authorities, in order to prevent the phenomenon to take place in the area of Devoll.

3. We will look for further cooperation with the other local institutions aiming to prevent the blood feuds phenomenon’s widespread.


Operazione Colomba volunteers would like to thank the Mayor kind of Devoll for answering to all the questions and for sharing with us the data in its possession. We sincerely hope that the declaration made by the Mayor of the effective absence of the phenomenon in the area of its jurisdiction will be confirmed by the data that we have collected through the constant monitoring of the largest newspapers in the country. If not, we hope that the mayor will not hesitate to implement concrete new measures in fighting the phenomenon, in addition to the prevention steps he cited.