The answers from the Mayor of Pustec about the blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of PustecWe received the answers from the Mayor of Pustec, which arrived just before the end of the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”, scheduled for September 30. Lately we have noticed with pleasure an increasing number of replies from Albanian mayors. Among them, the mayor of Pustec, Mr. Edomond Temelko, whose ansewers you can find below.

The questionnaire asked

– How much is widespread the Blood Feuds Phenomenon in Your municipality?
– Which kind of measures would You like to adopt in order to face and eliminate the phenomenon?
– How do You think to pressure the Government to make sure it will implement the Law n. 9389/05? The one that provides for the establishment of a Coordination Council in order to fight against the Blood Feuds Phenomenon?

The answers from the mayor of Pustec

Please find below the full answers from the Mayor of Pustec, which he sent by mail:


in our area the blood feuds phenomenon does not exist. We are a minority population in which people know each other and have no such a problem. Therefor the phenomenon has never existed and is not part of the territory of Pustec Municipality.

Thank you for understandin and for you cooperation,
Best regards,
Tha Mayor  
Edomond Temelko


We would like to thank the Mayor of Pustec for his cooperation. We are extremely happy about the peace and harmony that seems to reign in the territory of his jurisdiction, we want also to remind to the mayor that unfortunately the mutual understanding between citizens does not consist in a deterrent for the fulfillment of blood feuds. Operazione Colomba volunteers will compare the statements of the Mayor of Pustec with the data collected by us in the recent years, hoping that the phenomenon actually never existed and still does not occur in the municipality of Pustec.