The answers from the Mayor of Kuçovë about the blood feuds

The answers from the mayor of KuçoveToday we post the answers from the mayor of Kuçovë, Selfo Kapllani. His answers arrived just on time, right before the Campaign  A Crowd Against Gjakmarrje‘s expiring date. As usual, following you will find the questionnaire and afterwards the entire letter’s text sent by the Mayor of Kuçovë.

The answers from the Mayor of Kuçovë

Here there are the answers form the Mayor of Kuçovë to our questionnaire:

In response to your letter nr. 2648/2015 of 27.08.2015 “Request of information about the blood feuds phenomenon”, you will find the answers in attachment.

Thank you for understanding,

The Mayor, Selfo KAPLLANI

1. What is the spread of the blood feud phenomenon in the area where you are the mayor?
From the data owned by the Municipality of Kuçovë, in cooperation with the local police station, there was and there is no case of blood feud.

a. How is the phenomenon perceived by the population?
Such a phenomenon is well known by the population and is considered completely despicable.
b. How many cases of blood feud are there in the municipality/district where you are the mayor?
No recorded case.
c. Is there any collaboration between the local administration and the other organizations in the territory where you are the mayor?
Yes, there is. The cooperation is very good and intended to do the good of the community.

2. Specifically, which concrete steps would you do for the complete eradication of the blood feud phenomenon, referring particularly to the territory of the town/district where you are the mayor?
Such a phenomenon is not currently present in the community of Kuçovë and we will ensure that it will never happen.

3. In 2005 Law no. 9389 of May 4th 2005 was emanated but it has not been applied so far because of the lack of the implementing acts by the Executive. What do you plan on doing to ask the Albanian Executive to apply this legal instrument?
As it had been emphasized earlier, we will try as soon as possible to enforce the implementing regulations, as well as the rules about the application of the laws.


Operazione Colomba would like to thank the Mayor of Kuçovë for answering all of the questions. We shall compare his statement about the absence of the phenomenon with the data we have been collecting by reading the main national newspapers. Moreover, we thank Mr. Kapllani for committing in the implementation of regulations stated by the Law n 9389/05, hoping that his words will be followed by concrete and constructive actions.