Aleanca për Jeten celebrates Human Rights!

Aleanca për Jeten celebrates Human Rights

On 10th December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted and published the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Following up on this historical act, the Assembly invited all its member states to promote, publicize and explain the text worldwide.

The Declaration houses 30 articles. Among these articles we recall the right to freedom, the right to equality and the rights of the individual in civil and political society. However, the right to life stands out as the most important one; the one from which all the others arose.

Today, on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Aleanca për Jeten, through its members’ voice, participates in the celebration of the rights to life. For this purpose, we are holding a public demonstration in Shkodër downtown to uphold our commitment against all kind of violence.

Nowadays, as many human beings are suffering from numerous forms of physical and verbal violence, in Albania and worldwide, we believe that is necessary to join our voices and commitment. We want to learn how to respond to violence, vengeance and hatred with forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. We want to choose the life!

On 10th December, Aleanca për Jeten and its fellow associations invite you to perform a symbolic action, in Shkodër downtown, in front of Colosseum Hotel. We will fill a large crossword puzzle with words of peace, thinking together on fundamental Human Rights. From 16.00 to 19.00, we wait for you to demonstrate/stand together for the right to life. We look forward to see you! 


Aleanca për Jeten:
Ambasadoret e Paqes
Operazione Colomba
Shoqata Dukagjini
World Vision