Campaign 2015

Official page of the Campaign 2015 A crowd against bllod feuds. Activities, events, survey and answers from the Albanian candidates and mayors. Everything you need to know about the commitment of the local politicians against the “blodd feud” phenomenon. Follow us and stay informed!

Launch of the Raising Awareness Campaign 2015

Campagna 2015

Operazione Colomba works in Albania since 2010 to facilitate the eradication of the phenomenon of blood feuds. In order to achieve this goal, the volunteers of Operazione Colomba conduct various nonviolent strategies, such as:

  • Forgiveness and reconciliation paths, addressed to families living in conflict situations;
  • Raising awareness activities addressed to civil society, through public demonstrations and campaigns regarding nonviolent conflict management, aimed at spreading a culture based on the respect for human rights;
  • Raising awareness actions among National and International Institutions to adopt effective measures to overcome the phenomenon.
