Answers of albanian mayors

The answers from the Mayor of Tepelene on blood feuds’ phenomenon

The answers from the Mayor of Tepelene on blood feuds’ phenomenon

The answers from the Mayor of Tepelene on blood feudsphenomenon

The volunteers of Operazione Colomba continue to receive answers from the Albanian institutions! As you know, our volunteers have send the questionnaire to all the newly elected mayors. Being confident in waiting for new replies, today we publish the answers of the Mayor of Tepelene, Termet Peçi. (more…)

The answers of the mayor of Maliq about blood feuds’ phenomenon

The answers of the mayor of Maliq about blood feuds’ phenomenon

The answers of the mayor of Maliq about blood feuds’ phenomenon

We report below the answers of the Mayor of Maliq, Gëzim Ali Topçiu. In these days he has compiled and sent to Operazione Colomba volunteers the answers to the questionnaire on the phenomenon of blood feuds. (more…)

The answers from the Mayor of Libohovë about blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Libohovë about blood feuds

Boom of answers! On the 1st of September, we received the answers from Luiza Mandi, mayor of Libohovë. She replied to the questionnaire prepared by the volunteers of Operazione Colomba within the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”.

Below you can find the questions contained in the questionnaire and the answers from the mayor of Libohovë. (more…)