Answers of albanian mayors

Mayor of Dropull’s answer the questions about Blood Feuds

Mayor of Dropull's answer

The solicit seems to work! Following the third consignment of the questionnaire, Operazione Colomba has received Mayor of Dropull‘s answer too. Mr. Ahilea Deçka, indeed, has been immediate in replying our letter and in the morning of the 1st September 2015, Operazione Colomba volunteers have found in their email box the answer sent by the Mayor of Dropull.

We first would like to shortly remind the questions of the questionnaire and following we public the entire email text. (more…)

Poliçan Mayor answers questions about Blood Feuds Phenomenon

Tutte le risposte dei sindaci albanesi

In the mail box, Operazione Colomba volunteers have found a pleasant surprise: the first answer to the questions asked the Albanian Mayors. Poliçan Mayor’s answer is welcome.

In the frame of the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”, in fact, we have sent a short questionnaire to all the Albanian Mayors elected on June 2015.  The aim is to direct their attention on the topic of Blood Feuds Phenomenon and to invite them to elaborate a strategy in order to fight and eliminate the phenomenon. Poliçan Mayor, Mr. Adriatik Zotkaj, has been the first mayor we received the answer from. (more…)