
VIDEO Roundtable to study a strategy against blood feuds

Private meeting in Tirane. Round table with national and international institutions in order to study concrete strategies to fight and prevent the blood-feud phenomenon.

Sara Ianovitz – Operazione Colomba
Giulia Zurlini Panza – Operazione Colomba project coordinator for Albania
Igli Totozani – Ombudsman
Arben Shkëmbi – Ombudsman commissioner
Drita Avdyli – National Chamber of Mediators
Xhelal Mziu – Mayor of Kamzës
Liljana Luani – teacher

Sara Ianovitz – Operazione Colomba

VIDEO public meeting: “True hero is the one who forgives”

On September 29th started Operazione Colomba’s event “Together we can build Reconciliation!”.
The event started with a public debate entitled “The real hero is the one who forgives”, to raise awareness together on the theme of blood-feuds forgiveness.

  1. Introduction by Giacomo Bandini – Operazione Colombadibattito pubblico
  2. Prof.. Tonin Çobani Professor and Scholar of Kanundibattito pubblico
  3. Mr. Fisnik Thorja Psicologyst from ZDB NGO (Zyra Per Djemët dhe Burrat), Shkodërdibattito pubblico
  4. Mr. Gianfranco Testa Founder of the University of Forgiveness in Italydibattito pubblico (more…)

public meeting: True hero is the one who forgives

A public meeting to reflect on the theme of forgiveness. Who is a hero? Who is a real man? Does our deep culture influence our emotional experiences and our daily choices? Is a culture of forgiveness possible? Can we really say that ‘the real hero is the one who forgives’?

Meeting with:
Sir. Gianfranco Testa
Founder of the University of Forgiveness in Italy
Sir. Fisnik Thorja
Psicologyst from ZDB NGO (Zyra Per Djemët dhe Burrat), Shkodër
Sir. Tonin Çobani
Professor and Scholar of Kanun

You’re welcome on Thursday, 29th September in Tirana, in front of the Pyramid, at 4 pm.

Program “Të lidhim besën për… pajtim!”

Campaign 2016 “Të lidhim besën për… pajtim!”
One event for three cities: together we can build reconciliation!
3 cities, 3 dates, 3 days: 1 Reconciliation

Tirane – Kamez
29th-30th September – 1st October 2016

Thursday, September 29th :
4:00 pm Public meeting in Tirane in front of the Pyramid: “True hero is the one who forgives”.
(in the event of rain, the meeting will be held indoor. Check on Facebook for any news).

Friday, September 30th:
10:30 am Private meeting in Tirane. Round table with national and international institutions in order to study concrete strategies to fight and prevent the blood-feud phenomenon
3:00 pm Art-workshop in the city’ square of Kamez.
(in the event of rain, the workshop will be held at Youth Center ATA, Bulevardi Blu)

Saturday, October 1st:
6:30 pm Presentation of the graffiti and plate realized in memory of the victims of blood-feud in the main square of Kamez.
7:00 pm Public screening of the movie “The Forgiveness of Blood” in the square of Kamez,
with the protagonist Mrs. Sindi Laçej.
(in the event of rain, the movie will be screened indoor at the Culture Center of Kamez).

More infos on Facebook: Kundër Gjakmarrjes