
Light of Peace and Reconciliation! – 12 November 2015

Light of Peace and Reconciliation

Light of Peace and Reconciliation!

On 12th November, Operazione Colomba held its monthly demonstration against blood feuds in Scutari downtown. As this month celebrates the Albanian Independence, Operazione Colomba’s volunteer would like to honor such important anniversary by asking people to light up Albania with their own choices of Peace. Coherently with this purpose, people were proposed a symbolic gesture which consisted in lighting up a small colored candle and put it on an Albanian map drawn on the ground. (more…)

Be light of Peace! – Demonstration 12 november 2015

Be light of Peace

Be light of Peace!

On 12 November 2015, Operazione Colomba is here (Shkoder) to remember the victims of blood feuds and to say out loud that, together, we must achieve a national reconciliation.

As this month celebrates Albanian Indipendence, we would like to honor such important anniversary by trying, together, to light up Albania with our choices of peace. (more…)

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words – Demonstration September

As each month, on the 12th of September, the demonstration against the blood feuds phenomenon promoted by Operazione Colomba took place in the pedestrian area of Shkoder. The symbolic gesture proposed by Operazione Colomba volunteers was inspired by Ghandi’s Mantra that invites to keep the thoughts positive because in a virtuous cycle they generate positive actions. (more…)

From thoughts to action for the Reconciliation! – Demonstration 12 September 2015

From thoughts to action for the Reconciliation! - Demonstration 12 Settember 2015

From thoughts to action for the Reconciliation!

On 12 September 2015, Operazione Colomba is here to remember the victims of blood feuds and to say out loud that, together, we should achieve a national reconciliation process.

This month we would like to reflect on the importance of living positively our daily life and our relationships with others. (more…)

Let’s learn to use good words by listening words of peace!

words of peace

As every month, on the 12th of August, the usual demonstration against blood feuds took place in the pedestrian area of Shkodra.

The simbolic gesture suggested by Operazione Colomba’s volunteers has been inspired by the Albanian popular saying, which goes “words are music to my ears”. By usimg music as vehicle for spreading peaceful messages, the volunteers’ aim was to show how positive words can lead to constructive behavior. (more…)