
No justice without forgiveness – Meeting with Father G. Testa

“No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness.” Thursday, March 17, 2016, a meeting was held at the university “Luigj Gurakuqi” Scutari with Father Gianfranco Testa, founder of the University of Forgiveness. For a new conflict management, from those familiar to those on a global scale, it is essential to start talking about a pedagogy of forgiveness involving schools, universities, religious faiths, institutions and the whole civil society.


Operazione Colomba volunteers, interviewed by Shkodra TV1 Channel in the show ”Trokitje”, underlined the importance of certain elements to eliminate the phenomenon of blood feuds, such as: sharing the pain of the families on both sides of the conflict; awareness raising  of the youth and civil society; cooperation with local associations and institutions, on the national and international level.

Light of Peace and Reconciliation! – 12 November 2015

Light of Peace and Reconciliation

Light of Peace and Reconciliation!

On 12th November, Operazione Colomba held its monthly demonstration against blood feuds in Scutari downtown. As this month celebrates the Albanian Independence, Operazione Colomba’s volunteer would like to honor such important anniversary by asking people to light up Albania with their own choices of Peace. Coherently with this purpose, people were proposed a symbolic gesture which consisted in lighting up a small colored candle and put it on an Albanian map drawn on the ground. (more…)

Let’s learn to use good words by listening words of peace!

words of peace

As every month, on the 12th of August, the usual demonstration against blood feuds took place in the pedestrian area of Shkodra.

The simbolic gesture suggested by Operazione Colomba’s volunteers has been inspired by the Albanian popular saying, which goes “words are music to my ears”. By usimg music as vehicle for spreading peaceful messages, the volunteers’ aim was to show how positive words can lead to constructive behavior. (more…)