Monthly report

Operazione Colomba – monthly report of activities in Albania

albania report aprile

Present situation

Unfortunately, the month of April opens with a homicide committed in the suburbs of Tirana. The crime is the result of a bar fight sparked by trivial reasons between two friends.

Halfway through the month, a 28-year-old man has been killed in downtown Tirana in the middle of the day as a revenge for the murder committed by his father in 2000. The case has particularly shaken the Albanian public opinion. Operazione Colomba believes that this case is of particular gravity because the victim was denied the right to asylum by Sweden in 2014 due to Albania numerous statements about its own efforts to safeguard and protect people who risk their lives because of blood feuds. Consequently, the peaceworkers have issued a press release to urge the institutions to effectively protect the victims of this phenomenon.

At the end of the month, during a robbery, two boys have killed a man and severely injured his wife. (more…)

February 2017 report

report febbraio per blogoCurrent situation
On February, Albanian police has done several discoveries related to an inquiry about a “blood feud” case begun in 2016. The conflict burst in Elbasan between two clan. It causes 5 casualties and 7 injured. The inquiry results are not public yet, but it seems that one of the first murderers has been identified. The hope is that this news can be the starting point to discover other acts on revenge.

Moreover, at the beginning of February, in Kossovo, an Albanian man invested three people with his car. One of those people died. During the funeral, his family decided to forgive the driver, in order to avoid an escalation of violence. The event represents how traditional habits can still be used to stop the feuds circles.

Sharing, Work and news about Volunteers
Visiting families in conflict everyday gives us an idea of the importance of our work. Not only to mediate conflicts, but also for other reasons. For instance, in case of domestic violence. With the consensus of the wife, we managed to arrange psychological meeting with a psychologist to support her in her daily troubles.

Moreover, our proximity to the people allows us to intervene in cases of difficulties. Like in the case of two families that are facing a hard healthcare situation. During the month of February we accompanied them several times to the hospital. Further more we backed them in the bureaucratic procedure requested to obtain an economical support by the state. During one of the accompaniment the two mums met and had the chance to share their difficulties related both to the feud situation and to the healthcare one. Empathy was the result.

Empathy can also emerge from sport. Thus we organized a football match between the guys of our youth group and the guys of rehabilitation centre of the Community Pope John XXIII.

Institutions and networking
We have been contacted by a Justice Ministry representative. The Ministry is trying to shed light about the “blood feud” phenomenon in order to deliver documents testifying families’ feud situation. We have noticed that there is some interest about the topic. This is the reason why we think it could be the right moment to make again pressure on the parliament in order to implement the law of 2005 about the creation of a Coordination Committee against the “blood feud” phenomenon.

September 2016 Report

Current situation

In September, the newspapers reported the case of a feud that took place in the region of Dukagjin. A few days after the murder, the murderer turned himself in to the authorities.
reportsett2016More and more often the “blood feuds” phenomenon goes beyond the national borders. It is the case of a recent extradition from Greece to Albania of a detainee who committed homicide for “blood feud” reasons. Moreover, the administrative tribunal of Düsseldorf denied the international protection to an Albanian citizen who fled to Germany in order to escape a blood feud, after being detained for the murder of a woman.   (more…)

December 2015 revenge cases

December 2015 revenge casesDecember 2015 revenge cases

At the beginning of December, the media attention focused on the political clashes between the majority and the opposition to the Government. The “protest lights up” in Tirane on December 8. On the shadow of such events, the “Blood Feuds phenomenon” persists and, in parallel, the efforts carried on in order to contrast it. In his declaration stated during the Human Rights International Day, on December 10, the Ombudsman quotes the Parliament’s resolution approved at the aim of creating a Council of Coordination for the Struggle against the “Blood Feuds phenomenon”.
With regard to December 2015 revenge cases, by consulting the Albanian newspaper, are emerged four new cases of murder that can be related to the  phenomenon dynamics. Moreover, an Italian news website and an Albanian one told about two long-lasting cases of feuds.
Beside, the Albanian Channel Star Plus TV has deal with the “Blood Feuds” topic by interviewing some Operation Dove volunteers. Finally, the Magazine Saras has published a short review about Isamil Kaderé’s book Broken April, that addresses the “Blood Feuds” theme.