Monthly report

Cases of blood feuds – October 2015

Current Situation

In October no public case of gjakmarrjes were recorded. Nonetheless some cases of hakmarrjes were selected from the systematic reading of newspapers. Monitoring cases of hakmarrjes is paramount as these could later be reasons for blood feuds. For this reason two murders are here reported. First, a 24 years old boy was killed, in Shkodër district, for having bothered the assassins’ sister, two years ago. Second, a 58 years old man was killed in Laç because of an argument over the property of some chestnuts trees. At first the murderer’s sister took the responsibility of the assassination in order to avoid a feud between the two families. According to the Kanun tradition, women and children cannot be involved in the blood feuds phenomenon.  Later, however, her brother decided to confess the murder.

Cases of blood feuds – September 2015

Current Situation

September begun with a striking episode of violence between rival fis (extended families) in which an Albanian politician was involved. The press pointed to MP Armando Prenga charged of shooting a man during a clash between rival fis. The cause of the conflict lies in the assignment of a contract for the exploitation of Patok lagoon, in the area of Laç. Moreover, some cases of hakmarrje were found out from the monitoring of crime news. It is important to point out what happened on September 16th in Bathore, a small town close to Tirana. Milazim Shehu, a family man, was killed because of a conflict over a property which had already caused two deaths in 2012. It is significant the fact that the victim had begged the intervention of the former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, before the beginning of the bloodshed, “in order to take concrete decisions and not resort on Kanun” (

Cases of blood feuds – August

During the month of August too, Operazione Colomba registered some case of hakmarrje and gjakmarrje. Consulting newspapers and web, Operazione Colomba volunteers, indeed, recorded seven different crimes committed for revenge. Such cases could risk to evolve into feuds between the families involved. The majority of those conflicts arose because of sentimental reasons, debts or property’s disputes. In many cases violence was premeditated. (more…)

Main cases of blood feuds during the month of July

Everyday, Operazione Colomba volunteers read the main national newspapers in order to record the last cases of murders related to the blood feuds phenomenon in Albania. Such a work allows them to maintain a database by which keeping on monitoring the phenomenon trend and compiling statistics useful to draft the raising awareness reports that Operazione Colomba produces.
During the month of July happened a few cases. A short update about the main cases of blood feuds follows. (more…)