
A people walks against blood feuds

Ten years ago the International March for Peace “Një Popull Lëviz Për Paqen, Kundër Gjakmarrjes” “A people walks against blood feuds” in Albania, organized by #OperazioneColomba together with Albanian civil society, ended in Tirana. In those days Sara wrote:

Dozens of local authorities welcomed us and listened to us. We met hundreds of people during the march, we left them messages of peace, reconciliation, hope. I experienced a Dove that lives and by living brings life. He lives by choosing not only to live with those who are forced into a conflict but for them he sets himself in motion, it is creative energy that sometimes creates space, other times springboards, other times a concrete alternative. We traveled through northern Albania, as Italians, saying that we were there for peace for the Albanian people, to propose forgiveness as an alternative to blood revenge. This movement, together with the concrete commitment asked of the institutions and the stories told of other courageous peoples, is a creator of life. The faces of those who met us were sometimes sceptical, other times curious, many changed expression into a decisive smile, as if to tell us “here you are, we were waiting for an alternative, for violence to be given a specific name”. Once again I discover that humble presence, that standing next to me that generates movements: fear decreases and hope grows. Small movements that generate big changes.

Regretfully, the COVID-19 pandemic had no mitigating effect on the blood feud phenomenon in Albania.

Regretfully, the COVID-19 pandemic had no mitigating effect on the blood feuds phenomenon in Albania. During the month of June, three men have been killed due to past feuds. In 2012, during a demonstration against this practice, the volunteers of Operazione Colomba metaphorically compared blood feuds phenomenon to a virus, since the mentality which originates it can spread easily and cause an endless number of deaths. (more…)

Closure of Operazione Colomba’s presence in Albania

After 10 years of nonviolent intervention, Operazione Colomba is going to close its presence in Albania.
This decision, not taken lightly at all, is the result of careful considerations and observations that were made starting from the positive results achieved during these years and evaluating the living conditions’ improvement of the families that Operazione Colomba took care of. (more…)

Operazione Colomba – monthly report of activities in Albania – December 2019

Present situation
Unfortunately, the seismic shocks – the so-called earthquake swarm – continued after the terrible earthquake happened on November 26th. The European Commission announced that an international conference of donors from EU member countries will be held in January for the reconstruction of Albania. In general, the earthquake damaged around 14,000 buildings and left around 13,000 people homeless. Meanwhile, the tests to check the safe condition of the houses continue, although many families who lived in the most isolated areas complain about the absence and the aloofness of the institutions. The satirical program “Fiks Fare” reported a particular case in Thumanë, the epicenter of the earthquake, where only few houses remained undamaged. A family with 7 children lives in the backyard in difficult conditions, without access to the accommodation services offered by the State, since they are involved in a blood feud and therefore do not trust to live together with other citizens for security reasons. (more…)

Operazione Colomba – monthly report of activities in Albania – November 2019

Present situation
In November, we did not report any cases attributable to the blood feuds phenomenon. However, at the beginning of the month, the Albanian TV program “Fiks fare” had a great relevance in the media, showing the interview of a man who is moving to Germany by bus in order to apply for the asylum because of blood feud reasons. The unrecognizable passenger from Lezha affirms that he had to pay a significant amount of money to the prosecutor’s office, the judges and an association which deals with reconciliation, in order to obtain the documents attesting he is a blood feud victim.
On November 26th, a terrible and strong earthquake (magnitude 6.4 on the Richter scale) struck Albania, causing 51 victims and more than 750 injured. The Durrës area was the epicentre of the earthquake and the town of Thumanë was arshly hit. Albania, poorly equipped to deal with such a natural disaster, found itself in serious difficulty. (more…)