Light of Peace and Reconciliation! – 12 November 2015

Light of Peace and Reconciliation

Light of Peace and Reconciliation!

On 12th November, Operazione Colomba held its monthly demonstration against blood feuds in Scutari downtown. As this month celebrates the Albanian Independence, Operazione Colomba’s volunteer would like to honor such important anniversary by asking people to light up Albania with their own choices of Peace. Coherently with this purpose, people were proposed a symbolic gesture which consisted in lighting up a small colored candle and put it on an Albanian map drawn on the ground.

Around 500 people received the flier and many of them were willing to stop by our stand. Therefore, 200 candles lit up Albania as evidence of the commitment to bring the light of Peace and Reconciliation in this country, against blood feuds. Useful collaboration came from groups of students and young Albanian volunteers, who took the challenge of proving, without fear, their commitment against this phenomenon.

Light of Peace and Reconciliation!

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