Mayor of Dropull’s answer the questions about Blood Feuds

Mayor of Dropull's answer

The solicit seems to work! Following the third consignment of the questionnaire, Operazione Colomba has received Mayor of Dropull‘s answer too. Mr. Ahilea Deçka, indeed, has been immediate in replying our letter and in the morning of the 1st September 2015, Operazione Colomba volunteers have found in their email box the answer sent by the Mayor of Dropull.

We first would like to shortly remind the questions of the questionnaire and following we public the entire email text.

The questionnaire asked:

– How much is widespread the Blood Feuds Phenomenon in Your municipality?
– Which kind of measures would You like to adopt in order to face and eliminate the phenomenon?
– How do You think to pressure the Government to make sure it will implement the Law n. 9389/05? The one that provides for the establishment of a Coordination Council in order to fight against the Blood Feuds Phenomenon?

Mayor of Dropull’s answer

Following your communication, we send you our answer:

I would like to inform you that in the new municipality of Dropull, whose I am the Mayor, no case of Blood Feud has been recorded or reported. The phenomenon is not present in our community. We support your mission and hope that this violent phenomenon will be condemned unreservedly, for it is a plague for our society.

Thank you for the cooperation,
Municipality of Dropull,
Ahilea Deçka


We would like to thank Ahilea Deçka, Mayor of Dropull, for his kind answer to the questionnaire. Mayor of Dropull’s answer, as well as those of all the Albanian mayors, is indispensable in order to raise awareness into the institutions and to create a positive and proactive pressure aimed to defeat the Blood Feuds Phenomenon. We will compare his statement with the data collected by Operazione Colomba since 2010. It is our intent, anyway, re-new our invite to answer all the questions of the questionnaire, especially the last one regarding which kind of measures the Mayor of Dropull has thought to carry on in order to press the Albanian Government in implementing the Law  n. 9389/05.