Operazione Colomba – monthly report of activities in Albania – May 2018

muralesPresent situation
In May, we recorded a certain number of homicides motivated by futile reasons or allegedly related to property conflicts. Besides, the death of a Roma boy, while he was in pre-trial detention in a police station in Korça, has revealed the level of discrimination towards ethnic minorities and the low level of public trust towards state justice in the country. Indeed, while the police has stated that the boy died of natural causes, the family of the deceased has accused the police force of his death and cited his ethnicity as the main motivation. Moreover, the family has publicly stated that, if there will not be justice from the state, they will resort to forms of private justice.

Sharing with others, activities and news about the peaceworkers
At the beginning of the month, we went to Tropoja to stay close to the blood feud families in the region. In a particular case, we are promoting the access to state justice, to help them understand why the killer of their close relative came out of prison after serving only a few years sentence. Thanks to the collaboration with our legal advisor, we have learned that the family has to apply directly to the Office of the Regional Public Prosecutor. We believe that it is crucial to support the decision of the family to prosecute along this route, as this takes away the risk of resorting to vengeance. Moreover, this choice reinforces the will declared by the family itself to forgive the one who committed the murder.
In May, we received the precious visit of Father Gianfranco Testa, a missionary of the Consolata Order in Latin America and co-founder of the Schools of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, with whom we spent an intense and enriching week. We visited families who are suffering due to blood feuds, bringing them soothing words of forgiveness. In particular, Father Gianfranco stressed the importance of looking ahead and investing thoughts and energies into the future, the one of children in particular, whose vitality fills homes with energy and serenity. Together with Father Gianfranco we organized the usual annual visit to St. Anthony’s  Shrine in Laç with women and children belonging to families affected by the blood feud phenomenon. At the Shrine, after participating in the Mass, Father Gianfranco told women a real-life story which took place in Italy a few months ago and ended with a choice of forgiveness, testifying that it is always possible to choose a path of peace. Some women, who have not yet been able to re-elaborate the loss of their children, were moved and thanked him for the story. The last activity carried out with Father Gianfranco was a meeting with a group of young boys from families in blood feud during which we proposed a simple but meaningful game: they were invited to reflect on the meaning of giving and receiving and on the importance of collaboration and mutual aid to achieve their goals. Father Gianfranco is always a strong presence, giving us support and, above all, the courage to never be afraid to speak words of forgiveness and reconciliation, even to the most suffering hearts.
In mid-May we greeted Elona, whom we thank very much for the great work she did in the last few months, hoping that she will be back soon. Elona’s departure coincided with Sara’s arrival, who will stay with us for two months.

Relatinsship with institution and civil society
At the end of May, we met with a local priest and a nun to talk about a homicide committed in their parish in the periphery of Shkodër few months ago. The meeting was important to start a fruitful collaboration that will be oriented towards achieving peace and forgiveness among the families involved in this tragedy. Both religious figures made themselves available to undertake a common path in order to help the feuding families: both that of the victim, which is bearing a great pain, and that of the young offender which now is forced to live self-isolated due to the fear of incurring in the revenge.