Tag Archive: A crowd against blood feuds

Let’s learn to use good words by listening words of peace!

words of peace

As every month, on the 12th of August, the usual demonstration against blood feuds took place in the pedestrian area of Shkodra.

The simbolic gesture suggested by Operazione Colomba’s volunteers has been inspired by the Albanian popular saying, which goes “words are music to my ears”. By usimg music as vehicle for spreading peaceful messages, the volunteers’ aim was to show how positive words can lead to constructive behavior. (more…)

Demonstration: “Music to my ears” – 12 August 2015



On the 12th of August 2015, as each month, Operazione Colomba will remember the victims of blood feuds and restate that we have to drive together towards a national reconciliation in Albania.

That’s the reason why we have decided to demonstrate in the city centre by celebrating this summer with music of peace: not any kind of music, but a special one. Indeed, it’s well known that music can be a therapy, not only through melody but also through lyrics, when words are peaceful and bring good advices. (more…)

Poliçan Mayor answers questions about Blood Feuds Phenomenon

Tutte le risposte dei sindaci albanesi

In the mail box, Operazione Colomba volunteers have found a pleasant surprise: the first answer to the questions asked the Albanian Mayors. Poliçan Mayor’s answer is welcome.

In the frame of the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”, in fact, we have sent a short questionnaire to all the Albanian Mayors elected on June 2015.  The aim is to direct their attention on the topic of Blood Feuds Phenomenon and to invite them to elaborate a strategy in order to fight and eliminate the phenomenon. Poliçan Mayor, Mr. Adriatik Zotkaj, has been the first mayor we received the answer from. (more…)

Questions to Albanian Mayors

© HDYO 2015

1. What is the spread of the blood feud phenomenon in the area where you are the mayor?

  • How is the phenomenon perceived by the population?
  • How many cases of blood feud are there in the municipality/district where you are the mayor?
  • Is there any collaboration between the local administration and the other organizations in the territory where you are the mayor?
