Tag Archive: Campaign

The answers from the Mayor of Shkoder about the blood feuds

The answers from the mayor of ShkoderToday we post the answers from the Mayor of Shkoder, Voltana Ademi. As known, Shkoder is one of the cities most affected by the blood feuds phenomenon. That is the reason why Operazione Colomba has decided to open and maintain a project in this area. For this reason, the answers from the Mayor of Shkoder have been so eagerly awaited by Operazione Colomba volunteers throughout the whole Campaign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds”. Unwilling to passively await for answers that perhaps would have never been sent, we decided to ask for an official meeting with the Mayor of Shkoder. However we didn’t reach our goal, but we managed to meet the City Councillor for Social Services, Mr. Filip Vida, and his assistant, Mrs. Rudina Kruja. The following exhaustive answers are the result of the fruitful meeting. (more…)

The answers from the Mayor of Pustec about the blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of PustecWe received the answers from the Mayor of Pustec, which arrived just before the end of the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”, scheduled for September 30. Lately we have noticed with pleasure an increasing number of replies from Albanian mayors. Among them, the mayor of Pustec, Mr. Edomond Temelko, whose ansewers you can find below. (more…)

The answers from the Mayor of Devoll about the blood feud phenomenon

the answers from the Mayor of DevollToday we publish the answers from the Mayor of Devoll, Bledjon Tomor Nallbati. As you know, within the Campaign “A crowd against blood feuds” Operazione Colomba volunteers drawn up a questionnaire addressed to all the mayors of Albania, in order to exert constructive pressure on institutions about the blood feuds phenomenon. Below we present the survey questions and the answers from the Mayor of Devoll.


The answer from the Mayor of Librazhd about blood feuds

the answer from the Mayor of LibrazhdThe Campign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds” is expired on the 30th of September. The Campaign was aimed to pressure the local institutions and push them to act in order to struggle against the blood feuds phenomenon. The Campaign consisted of a questionnaire, drafted by Operazione Colomba Volunteers, containing three questions about the phenomenon, asking how the newly elected Mayor would have liked to act with the aim of eradicating the phenomenon. (more…)

The answer from the Mayor of Delvine about blood feuds

Tutte le risposte dei sindaci albanesi

Close to the expiring date of the Campaign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds”, scheduled for the 30th of September, the number of answers sent by the Albanian Mayors definitely increased. Many Mayors, indeed, sent a letter of answer on time, even if often too short, especially considering the very detail of the questions.
Today we post the answer from the Mayor of Delvine, Rigels Balil Baili. (more…)