Tag Archive: Campaign

The answers from the Mayor of Berat about blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Berat

On September 7, the Mayor of Berat, Petrit Sinaj, replied to the questionnaire prepared by Operazione Colomba volunteers, within the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”.
Below you can find the letter sent by the Municipality of Berat, with the answers to the questionnaire about blood feuds. (more…)

Main cases of blood feuds during the month of July

Everyday, Operazione Colomba volunteers read the main national newspapers in order to record the last cases of murders related to the blood feuds phenomenon in Albania. Such a work allows them to maintain a database by which keeping on monitoring the phenomenon trend and compiling statistics useful to draft the raising awareness reports that Operazione Colomba produces.
During the month of July happened a few cases. A short update about the main cases of blood feuds follows. (more…)