Tag Archive: Justice

P/R Condemnation of the “blood feud” phenomenon and Call for justice

Call for justice

Operazione Colomba, nonviolent peace corps of the Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, takes notes of the condemnation at 21 years of jail to Lazer Qukaj for the attempted murder on Nik Prroj and calls for justice for the murders of Kole and Marie Qukaj.

Operazione Colomba recognizes the commitment of the judicial institutions in fighting the “blood feud” phenomenon, through the application of the laws in force. It calls for justice in order to legally persecute the  perpetrators of Marie and Kole Qukaj’s murders.

The blood feud is often use as a form of private justice in cases where the legal one doesn’t reach its goal. Therefore, we call the System Justice to do its duty in order to encourage the end of hostilities between the Prrojs and Qukajs. (more…)