Tag Archive: nje popull kunder gjakmarrje

The answers from the Mayor of Gramsh about Blood Feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Gramsh

With great pleasure we inform you that we have received a few new answers to our questionnaire about the Blood Feuds Phenomenon part of Operazione Colomba’s Campaign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds”. While waiting for the rest until the expiring date on the 30th of September, today we publish the answers from the Mayor of Gramsh, Luljeta Kalem Dollani. (more…)

Cases of blood feuds – August

During the month of August too, Operazione Colomba registered some case of hakmarrje and gjakmarrje. Consulting newspapers and web, Operazione Colomba volunteers, indeed, recorded seven different crimes committed for revenge. Such cases could risk to evolve into feuds between the families involved. The majority of those conflicts arose because of sentimental reasons, debts or property’s disputes. In many cases violence was premeditated. (more…)

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words – Demonstration September

As each month, on the 12th of September, the demonstration against the blood feuds phenomenon promoted by Operazione Colomba took place in the pedestrian area of Shkoder. The symbolic gesture proposed by Operazione Colomba volunteers was inspired by Ghandi’s Mantra that invites to keep the thoughts positive because in a virtuous cycle they generate positive actions. (more…)

Delivery of the partial report on data recorded through the Campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”

Dorëzimin i rezultateve të pjesshme të fushatës

Since the forthcoming publication of the Progress Report, Operazione Colomba volunteers, on the 14th of September, went to the OSCE and EU headquarters in Tirana for the delivery of the partial report on data recorded through the Campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”. Data have been processed thanks to both Albanian mayor’s responses and non-responses to the Operazione Colomba’s questionnaire, related to the blood feuds phenomenon. (more…)

The answers from the Mayor of Berat about blood feuds

The answers from the Mayor of Berat

On September 7, the Mayor of Berat, Petrit Sinaj, replied to the questionnaire prepared by Operazione Colomba volunteers, within the campaign “A crowd against blood feuds”.
Below you can find the letter sent by the Municipality of Berat, with the answers to the questionnaire about blood feuds. (more…)