Tag Archive: Ombudsman

Roundtable with the institutions

Roundtable with the institutions and presentation of the document “Commitment to fight and prevent the blood feud phenomenon and the promotion of a culture of peace and reconciliation” in the Scientific Library of the University “Luigi Gurakuqi”, Shkoder

Roundtable with the institutions

In order to:

  • Achieve a common action and to coordinate the efforts in the fight against the phenomenon of revenge killings and blood feuds and its consequences in the whole Albania;
  • Protect and guarantee a fundamental constitutional right, such as the right of life, as well as to promote a culture of peace and reconciliation

Click here to get the pdf of the document

Video: Roundtable 20 May 2016

Roundtable with the institutions

Together we can build Reconciliation!

Together we can build ReconciliationTogether we can build Reconciliation

Campaign 2016: “Të lidhim besen për… pajtim!”
1 event for 3 cities: Together we can build Reconciliation!
3 cities, 3 dates, 3 days: 1 Reconciliation

Presentation of the event:

The raising-awareness event “Të lidhim besën për… pajtim!” was born wishing to awake the sense of community all over Albania, tying together, in a symbolic way, the north of the Country (Shkoder), with the centre (Tirane) and the south (Vlore). (more…)

Presentation of the second report of the Ombudsman

Presentation of the second report of the Ombudsman

Operazione Colomba participates and supports the work of the Ombudsman Igli Totozani. On the 4th of March, Operazione Colomba attended the presentation of the second report on the phenomenon of blood revenge, reaffirming to the present institutions and to the civil society the importance of working together for the elimination of this phenomenon; in particular, to restart the work of local inter-institutional committee, interrupted a year ago.
