Tag Archive: Operazione Colomba

Meeting with the City Councillor for Social Services of Shkoder

On the 2nd of October Operazione Colomba volunteers went to the City Hall of Shkoder for a meeting with the City Councillor for Social Services, Mr. Filip Vida, and his assistant, Mrs. Rudina Kruja. The meeting followed several reminders sent to the newly elected Mayor Voltana Ademi, in order to receive answers to the questionnaire about the blood feuds phenomenon. (more…)

The answers from the Mayor of Himarë about Blood Feuds

The answers from the Mayor of HimarMayor of Humarë

Good news from Operazione Colomba: the volunteers have received the answers from the Mayor of Himarë to the questionnaire about the blood feuds phenomenon. As usual, we shortly remind the questions and following publish the entire mail text sent by the Mayor of Himarë Jorgo Sokrat Goro. (more…)

Cases of blood feuds – August

During the month of August too, Operazione Colomba registered some case of hakmarrje and gjakmarrje. Consulting newspapers and web, Operazione Colomba volunteers, indeed, recorded seven different crimes committed for revenge. Such cases could risk to evolve into feuds between the families involved. The majority of those conflicts arose because of sentimental reasons, debts or property’s disputes. In many cases violence was premeditated. (more…)