Tag Archive: report

Final report about “A Crowd Against Blood Feuds” campaign

Final reportFinal Report:

Following A Crowd against Blood Feuds Campaign closure, Operazione Colomba presents the Final Report drafted thanks to the data resulted by the Mayoral candidates and the new-elected Mayors’ answers to the questionnaire about the “Blood Feuds Phenomenon”.

A Crowd against Blood Feuds 2015 campaign has aimed to keep on working on the national raising awareness activities carried out during the past years. (more…)

Cases of blood feuds – August

During the month of August too, Operazione Colomba registered some case of hakmarrje and gjakmarrje. Consulting newspapers and web, Operazione Colomba volunteers, indeed, recorded seven different crimes committed for revenge. Such cases could risk to evolve into feuds between the families involved. The majority of those conflicts arose because of sentimental reasons, debts or property’s disputes. In many cases violence was premeditated. (more…)