The “Angiolino Acquisti” Scholarship

On Friday 25 October, at the high schools of Sansepolcro, the “Angiolino Acquisti” Scholarship was awarded to Dr. Nadia Cadrobbi, a long term volunteer who recently completed her mission in Albania with Operazione Colomba. The Scholarship is intended for the Non-violence issue with the aim of disseminating scientific studies about non-violent conflict management, resolution and transformation. This Scholarship is dedicated to Angiolino Acquisti, a friend of many representatives from the world of peace and solidarity, who dedicated his life to marginalised people in Sansepolcro. This year Nadia’s thesis, entitled “Riconciliazione e perdono come principi della giustizia riparativa e della risoluzione dei conflitti. Le esperienze in Kossovo e Albania con Operazione Colomba” (Reconciliation and forgiveness as principles of restorative justice and conflict resolution. The experiences in Kosovo and Albania with Operazione Colomba) has been chosen as the winner, among the 18 candidates, with the following motivation: “The idea of restorative justice to be achieved through mediation becomes an experience of reparation and reconciliation that involves, beyond the guilty and the victim, all mediation actors, including the mediator and the entire community. This is how restorative justice prevails over the idea of forgiveness, giving it a concrete form by proposing innovative paths of humanity that Angiolino Acquisti would have liked so much”. The award ceremony took place in the presence of Carlotta Sami, Spokesperson for the Southern Europe of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and saw the participation of many high school students who proved to be attentive and involved.