The answer from the Mayor of Librazhd about blood feuds

the answer from the Mayor of LibrazhdThe Campign “A Crowd against Blood Feuds” is expired on the 30th of September. The Campaign was aimed to pressure the local institutions and push them to act in order to struggle against the blood feuds phenomenon. The Campaign consisted of a questionnaire, drafted by Operazione Colomba Volunteers, containing three questions about the phenomenon, asking how the newly elected Mayor would have liked to act with the aim of eradicating the phenomenon.
Within the last letters of answer received by Operazione Colomba, there is the one sent by the Mayor of Librazhd. That’s why today we post the answer from the Mayor of Librazhd, Mr.Kastriot Hasan Gurra. Unfortunately his reply is extremely concise.
Following you find the questions and afterwords the entire letter’s text.


The questionnaire asked:

– How much is widespread the Blood Feuds Phenomenon in Your municipality?
– Which kind of measures would You like to adopt in order to face and eliminate the phenomenon?
– How do You think to pressure the Government to make sure it will implement the Law n. 9389/05? The one that provides for the establishment of a Coordination Council in order to fight against the Blood Feuds Phenomenon?

The answer from the Mayor of Librazhd

Answering to your request dated 31.08.2015, addressed to our institutions, and related to the blood feuds phenomenon, we inform you that the Municipality of Librazhd has no data about the phenomenon’s widespread in our geographical area.

Thank you for understanding!


We would like to thank the Mayor of Librazhd for his short intervention, hoping that his scarce contribution to our Campaign is given by the hard institutional work he has to face as Mayor. We wish to build a much more worthwhile cooperation in the future, while highlighting how much widespread and sadly deeply rooted the phenomenon is. Indeed, it is highly risky and source of sorrow for the people afflicted by it. That’s the reason why it is fundamental to work on a variety of fronts, with a desirable synergy between the society and the institutions, attempting to walk together toward the path of a national reconciliation.