The answers from the Mayor of Himarë about Blood Feuds

The answers from the Mayor of HimarMayor of Humarë

Good news from Operazione Colomba: the volunteers have received the answers from the Mayor of Himarë to the questionnaire about the blood feuds phenomenon. As usual, we shortly remind the questions and following publish the entire mail text sent by the Mayor of Himarë Jorgo Sokrat Goro.

The questionnaire asked:

The questionnaire asked:
– How much is widespread the Blood Feuds Phenomenon in Your municipality?
– Which kind of measures would You like to adopt in order to face and eliminate the phenomenon?
– How do You think to pressure the Government to make sure it will implement the Law n. 9389/05? The one that provides for the establishment of a Coordination Council in order to fight against the Blood Feuds Phenomenon?

The answers from the Mayor of Himarë

First of all, congratulations for the work you carry on in order to stifle the blood feuds phenomenon in our Country, a big plague of the current Albanian society.

Following you find the answers to the questionnaire’s questions.

1. Referring to the first question, in Himarë there have not been cases of blood feuds since decades. Related to the widespread of this phenomenon, I can state that there have not been such cases either between families or persons coming from the north of Albania, where the phenomenon is widely widespread. This is also confirmed by the police director of Himarë.
2. For people’s freedom of movement is granted, it is not possible to rule out such cases can happen in the future, especially since many people, coming from the areas where unfortunately the phenomenon represent a problem, come to live and work in the Municipality of Himarë. We are ready to pinpoint such cases and cooperate with any institution in fighting against the phenomenon, not only in our area but in the whole country.
3. Referring to the last question, I would like to ask the institutions in charge to engage with the implementation of adequate changes in order to improve the legislation and the rigorous respect of the existing laws, with the aim of permanently dieing down such a phenomenon that takes someone’s life and damages our county’s reputation.

Best wishes for your noble mission!


Thanks to the Mayor of Himarë, Jorgo Sokrat Goro, for his cooperation. We will compare the data he provided us with those collected by our volunteers by reading the main national newspapers.