Let’s learn to use good words by listening words of peace!

words of peace

As every month, on the 12th of August, the usual demonstration against blood feuds took place in the pedestrian area of Shkodra.

The simbolic gesture suggested by Operazione Colomba’s volunteers has been inspired by the Albanian popular saying, which goes “words are music to my ears”. By usimg music as vehicle for spreading peaceful messages, the volunteers’ aim was to show how positive words can lead to constructive behavior.

As in 80’s jukemobxes, Shkodra population has been simbolically invited to insert a coin in order to select and listen to a song with words of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation, hope , non violence and hope. During the demonstration Operazione Colomba volunteers distributed around 400 flyers. More than 50 people have been involved in the symbolic gesture. As every month, some participants of the Youth Group have actively supported the demonstration.

Words of Peace

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