Monthly Report - December 2021

Current Situation

In December, Israel once again closed its borders to foreigners due to the new Covid-19 variant called Omicron, which could have further repercussions on the international human rights
organizations’ staff operating in the country as well as in Palestine.
On December 6th, the Israeli government blocked the construction of the new settlements in East Jerusalem. This construction project would have caused the demolition of new buildings in Silwan and Sheik Jarrah neighborhoods where a theme park inspired by the biblical events of the Old Testament was supposed to be created.
Moreover, during this month the Israeli Foreign Minister visited Egypt and the United Arab Emirates in order to establish new economic relations.
On December 22nd, Israel started to administer the fourth dose of Pfizer vaccine to people from 80 to 60 years old.

Sharing, Work and News about Volunteers

In the South Hebron Hills, the military and civil Israeli occupation continues to be practiced by  arrests, raids, demolitions, attacks against children, ban on access to the lands, uprooting of olive trees with heavy consequences on the Palestinian population.

On December 2nd, one of the young activists from Youth of Sumud group was arrested while he was accompanying children to the school of At-Tuwani. Then he was released in the middle of the night. On December 8th the same young man was arrested again after he called the police to report that some Israeli settlers were attacking children who were waiting for the military escort in order to come back home from school. He was released after one day in jail.

On December 7th, the Israeli army carried out a night raid in the Palestinian village of Tuba, arresting three Palestinians.
On December 21st, the Israeli army also destroyed agricultural crops, vegetables and greenhouses for Palestinians in the Al-Hijra area, west of the Al-Fawwar refugee camp.
On December 24th, some armed Israeli settlers, escorted by soldiers, raided houses in the villages of Masafer Yatta, terrorizing people and children and searching Palestinian cars.
Between November and December, the paperwork for the purchase of a car was completed. The automobile will be available for the activities implemented by the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (a network of popular committees) and the Youth of Sumud group with the aim to support popular nonviolent resistance in the South Hebron Hills and the threatened communities in other areas of Palestine. The purchase was made possible thanks to the Quilombo Trentino Association and a fund from the Otto per mille Waldensian Church.