Report Palestine - December 2022

Current situation
On December 1st Israel revoked the residency status in East Jerusalem to the French-Palestinian Human Rights lawyer Salah Hammouri who has been accused of serious crimes against the State security. On March 7th, 2022, Hammouri, 37 years old, was arrested and held in Israel for nine months under administrative detention. After having revoked his citizenship, the Minister of the Interior decided for his expulsion and, on December 18th, Hammouri was forcibly sent to Paris, with his hands and feet handcuffed.
On December 2nd the occupation forces shot at Ammar Hamdi Nayef Miflih, 23 years old, killing him, in Huwwara, near Nablus. Israel declared that the gunfire was the consequence of a stabbing attempt, but many videos prove that Miflih didn’t hold anything in his hands when he was hit and murdered. The Israeli forces prevent paramedics from ensuring medical assistance and they confiscated his body that was given back to his family only on December 29th.
During a raid of the Israeli army occurred on December 12th, Jana Majdi Issam Assaf, 15 years old, was killed by gunshots while she was on the roof of her house in Jenin.
Those are just two of the 12 Palestinians who were killed in December.
2022 has been the most lethal year since 2006 in Palestine (East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza): 230 Palestinians were killed, 6.500 Palestinians were detained by Israeli occupation forces – among them 800 were minors and 2.134 were held under administrative detention. More than 900 buildings were seized or demolished thus causing the forced displacement of 1.000 Palestinians from their houses. During the year, around 1.500 attacks conducted by Israeli settlers against the Palestinians or their properties were reported.
On December 29th, the new far-right government has been elected and the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared he will work in order to formally annex the West Bank. During the speech in which he explained the main aims of his new government, he stated: “the Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the land of Israel”.

Sharing, Work and news about Volunteers
In Masafer Yatta the situation continues to be tense. In this area, 8 communities have been risking the forced displacement from their houses and the destruction of their villages since May 2022. The raids of the Israeli army are very frequent: they aim to demolish buildings, confiscate lands and terrorize the inhabitants. In particular, demolitions started increasing in this zone by the beginning of the cold season.
In fact, on December 6th the occupation army raided again the village of Isfay where they had demolished the school two weeks before. This time, they dismantled and confiscated 2 tents that were used by the community as an emergency school in order to permit the 23 pupils and the teachers to keep on having classes. The following classes took place outside, in the rubble.
On December 20th, an Israeli convoy confiscated 7 tents and demolished a house in Khallet Athaba, Wadi Jehesh and Shab el Butum.
On December 24th, the army irrupted in the village of At-Tuwani, interrogating and frightening the inhabitants.