Report - December 2023

Current situation
The situation in Gaza has become increasingly critical with non-stop shelling, even in areas classified as safe by the Israeli military. The invasion by land has continued and the Israeli army has demolished entire neighborhoods with explosives and bulldozers.
Since December 4th, most communication services in Gaza City and the north of the Strip have been suspended and it is becoming increasingly difficult for residents to communicate with the outside world.
The number of victims has exceeded 20,000 and hospitals are in total collapse due to the exorbitant number of injured people. There is a lack of any kind of medical aid, and amputations are almost always carried out without anesthesia, often on children (Doctors without Borders reports that at least 10 amputations a day are carried out on minors).
At the same time, since the beginning of December, there have been violent clashes in Jenin and the demolition of various Palestinian structures by Israeli bulldozers.
In the West Bank forced evacuations of Palestinian inhabitants from their houses also continue (from October to December 5th almost 1,000 Palestinians were violently displaced from their villages and homes).

In the following days armed clashes between Israeli soldiers and members of the Palestinian resistance occurred in Nablus and Tubas. On December 9th in Gaza, Israeli soldiers forced internally displaced persons from a UNRWA (United Nations Agency) school to undress and sit half-naked with their hands on their heads. On the 10th, the UNRWA school in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza was bombed by the Israeli Air Force. The next day, the Israeli army completely blew up the UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza. On December 12th, during a raid in Jenin, 7 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers. During the month there were raids throughout the West Bank, which caused - from 7 October until 31 December - 3,800 wounded and 319 dead, including 83 children.
In Gaza, the health situation is tragic, the shelling continues unceasingly, and the snipers of the Israeli army, in their overland advance, have also shot at Palestinians seeking refuge.
The dead until 31 December are 21,822 (including 8,800 children), 56,451 the wounded and more than 7,000 the missing.

Sharing, Work and news about Volunteers 
The month of December opened with repeated aggression and harassment by Israeli settlers against Palestinian shepherds, causing serious problems for the grazing activities of Masafer Yatta’s shepherds.
On December 8th, at dawn, groups of Israeli settlers and soldiers terrorized the communities of Khallet al-Dabaa: they seized residents in a room and took away all their phones, and then vandalized houses and destroyed educational materials inside the village assembly hall.
Before leaving, the settlers threatened residents with death if they did not leave.
In the morning, they also arrested a citizen of At-Tuwani for three hours.
On the 9th, near the village of Susya, a house was demolished and the family living in it was left in the cold.
On the 16th, armed settlers prevented Tuba shepherds from grazing on their land, and the following day in Jinba, some settlers drove very fast, with jeeps and quads, into the village, frightening children who were playing.
On the 19th, a teacher from Karmel secondary school was beaten and injured in the head by Israeli soldiers on his way to school.
The whole month was characterized by continuous harassment by Israeli settlers and soldiers: very disturbing daily assaults, the throwing of tear gas towards flocks, arrests of shepherds and death threats.