Crowdfunding campaign for our project in Colombia

Every year the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó commemorates the massacre of 21 February 2005 (VIDEO).        
That day Luis Eduardo Guerra, among the founders and main leader of the Community, was killed, together with his partner Bellanira, his son Deiner (only 11) and other 5 people including 2 children, 5-year-old Natalia and 11-month-old Santiago. It was a very hard blow for the whole community.
After 14 years from that brutal massacre, after the signing of the Peace Agreement with the FARC, the situation has not improved at all.
On 29 December 2017, some paramilitaries tried to kill, without success, German and Roviro. Since then, together with other leaders / members of the Community, they are constantly threatened with death and forced to live without being able to move freely, but only by planning their (few) movements in detail and always "escorted" by international volunteers, among them those of Operation Colomba.

The Peace Community itself affirms that international accompaniment is today the main strategy to guarantee its own survival.        
For this reason, Operazione Colomba volunteers are next to the Peace Community since 10 years. To continue their presence they need everyone’s help.
The 2018 crowdfunding campaign will stay open only a few days (until 28 February). It is not long to reach our goal…

Donate and share, we really need it!


Thank you.
Operazione Colomba volunteers