Allegra arrived to Albania like a meteor, a small burning flame that generates positive energy.
Her name is the perfect match between her tiny body and her flexible movements; she reminds me of those small sticks that people light up during New Year’s Eve, generating sparkles of joy.
Allegra is a lady with the face of a girl, she smiles gently and preserves endless supplies of love.
Her story is painful, but she knows how to tell it without rhetoric, by turning it into a meaningful and powerful tool.
Allegra enjoys the exchange while she meets others, she’s not afraid of being judged and makes her way in the jungle of rage and pain of the other people. And the others find shelter in her fruitful words.
Indeed Allegra does magic.

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I do remember well the journey towards Operazione Colomba’s Home when I first arrived in Albania. Few hours before I was greeting my parents at the airport, and soon after I found myself along roads never seen, trying to fill my eyes with the hundreds of images I could see from the car window. I felt like a baby child looking at the sea for the first time: scared and fascinated at the same time.
During this period, several times I have seen myself in faces different than mine. In one of these days in Albania, we were escorting E., a 23 year-old man out of prison just few days before, to visit his brother who – unlike E. – was still in prison. We were driving on a road that I had come to know well, because it’s the same road of my first day as well as of many other occasions. Nevertheless, I was feeling very excited that day with E., a boy younger than me, with his nose stuck to the car window, busy in filling his eyes and his heart with those images he couldn’t have seen for a long time. I thought of the many things done in the last six years and then I said myself “Now delete everything”.

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